These flowers are all the rage right now, and why not? They're really cute! You can pin them to your shirt and dress up an otherwise plain outfit, or sew (or glue) them to a plain bag to make it fabulous. I have seen them all over and finally decided to learn how to make them myself. This is really a combination of 2 tutorials I found online that works pretty well for me.
First off, lets go over what you will need.
Scrap material (You can use either 1 or 2 different) cut into circles. I used 3" and 2.5", and you will need 6 of each. A small piece of felt cut to the same dimensions of your smallest circle. Scissors to cut all you circles (duh!?!), sewing thread, sewing needles, straight pins and a button.
First off, find the center of your felt circle. The felt will be used for your backing. I like using a straight pin, it just makes it a little easier for me.
Next, take one of your bigger circles and fold it in in half 3 times. It will look like this,
You will then cut a curve into the top of the piece.
When you unfold it you will have a
scolloped circle. Do this to another (you will have 2 total), these will be your base of the flower.
Make sure they are centered (this is where the pin helps) and that they are not perfectly aligned with each other.
Now, take the rest of your large circles and fold them like before. This time however you only want to cut half of a curve. Make sure the folded side is the highest side or your petal won't turn out right. Believe me,
I know.
Once you unfold it you will have a petal that looks basically like this.
Now fold it in half so that the scallops are uneven, like below.
Now fold again and you will have your petal. It will looks kind of like a heart.
Now, again, using your pin as a guide, center you petal and
stich it on just at the point.
Do the same with the remaining 3 petals. It will look something like this.
Now repeat the same process with the smaller circles. Make sure all your
stiches are in the middle.
Once all the smaller petals are attached you will be ready to sew on your button. You can use any kind of button, but I've just been using these little plain ones. The biggest reason for this is that I bought the whole box at the dollar store and don't really feel like laying out any more money when I have plenty right now.
The button is the last step! You now have a cute fabric flower. You may have to fluff up the petals a bit, but other than that you should be good.
Like I said before you can attach a pin so that you can wear it on your clothes (or jacket or hat or so on) or you can use a low heat glue gun and attach then to a bag. This flower is actually going to be used on a mini tote bag I'm making for Lindsey for her birthday. I've been making a lot of these lately, and she has just gone crazy over them. She'll love that she will have a bag that she can use as another pocketbook, and that it has flowers.
I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial. I'm going to try to keep these going at least once a week, but I can't promise they will all be as fun and easy as this. But I'll try!
Have a great week!
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Between Naps On The Porch
The DIY Showoff
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