Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's Dinner Time

It's lasagna night here in our little house. I try to cook at least 6 nights a week, although here lately it's been 7 nights. I work pretty hard to make real meals for the crew, but there are definitely nights that end up being fast and easy. At least it saves money to cook and eat at home with a little planning.

I use The Pioneer Woman's lasagna recipe. If you've never read The Pioneer Woman, then stop reading this and go there NOW! Seriously, I feel like she's the best friend I've never met (hehe). Her recipes and step by step instructions with pictures have done wonders for my cooking. My Husband even bought me her cookbook for Christmas, and usually he doesn't even get me a present. That's how much she helped improve my cooking.
I pretty much follow her recipe except I use one pound of lean ground beef and one pound of mild italian sausage. Here it is all put together and ready to cook.

The first time I made this recipe it took me quite a while to cook everything and put it together. I have now gotten it down to about an hour to prepare, assemble and cook my lasagna from start to finish. Still, when you have 3 hungry kids waiting (im)patiently, an hour can seem like an eternity.

"Mom, can't you tell I'm starving here?"
That's my youngest, and boy can he lay on the pitiful when he feels the need.

And there it is, all hot and bubbly and cheesy. This really is a foolproof recipe. Before this, my lasagna adventures had been only partially edible, now my hubby actually asks me to make it. That in itself is enough to tell me. So go visit The Pioneer Woman, make her lasagna, then read her entire site, then cook some more. Have fun!

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